

Artificial Unintelligence Summary Audiobook

Meredith Broussard

How computers misunderstand the world

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Author: Meredith Broussard

Narrator: Brian

Format: MP3

IBSN: 9780262038003

Language: English

Publish Date: 01/01/2018

Audiobook length: 31min


Chapter 1Overview
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Chapter 2The problems and limitations of technology
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Chapter 3Artificial intelligence does not have an intelligent brain
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Chapter 4Exploring the bias and prejudice inherent in artificial intelligence
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Chapter 5Summary & Review
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Who should listen Artificial Unintelligence

The summary audiobook of "Artificial Unintelligence" by Meredith Broussard is ideal for technology enthusiasts, policymakers, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the limitations and biases of artificial intelligence. It provides valuable insights for those who want to navigate the complexities of AI in modern society, equipping listeners with a critical perspective on how these systems impact everyday life and decision-making. Whether you're a student, a professional in tech, or simply curious about the future of AI, this summary offers a concise yet informative exploration of the topic.

3 quotes from Artificial Unintelligence

  • "Artificial intelligence is not magic, and it is not intelligent; it is a tool designed by humans with human biases and flaws."
  • "Sometimes the work that is produced by AI isn't just flawed—it can be harmful, especially when it reinforces existing social injustices."
  • "AI is not a replacement for human intelligence or decision-making; rather, it should complement our abilities and be guided by ethical considerations."

Author : Meredith Broussard

Meredith Broussard is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard University in the fields of computer science and mathematics. She has worked at AT&T Bell Labs, Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, and currently serves as an Associate Professor at New York University. She has created multiple artificial intelligence systems, including one used for the United States presidential election of 2016, and has had her works published in The Atlantic, The New York Times, Harper’s Magazine, and Harvard Magazine, to name a few. Broussard is widely considered an expert in algorithmic bias studies, especially in self-driving car technology.