

On Beauty by Umberto Eco Summary Audiobook

Umberto Eco

What is beauty?

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Author: Umberto Eco

Narrator: Brian

Format: MP3


Language: English

Publish Date:

Audiobook length: 31min


Chapter 1Overview
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Chapter 2Beauty in the Classical era
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Chapter 3Beauty from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
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Chapter 4The beauty of reason and Romantic Beauty
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Chapter 5Beauty in the Industrial Age
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Chapter 6Summary & Review
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Who should listen On Beauty by Umberto Eco

The summary audiobook of "On Beauty" by Umberto Eco is ideal for art enthusiasts, philosophy students, and anyone interested in the profound intricacies of aesthetics and beauty in art and culture. It's particularly beneficial for those who want to explore Eco's rich insights without committing to the full text, making it a perfect choice for busy professionals, students, and casual readers seeking to deepen their understanding of these complex themes in a concise format.

3 quotes from On Beauty by Umberto Eco

  • "Beauty is the ultimate truth, the hidden meaning of all things, the only thing that allows us to transcend the chaos of existence."
  • "To appreciate beauty is to find harmony in chaos; it is an act of love and understanding that connects us to the world around us."
  • "In every age, beauty has taken on different forms, yet its essence remains universal, inviting us to explore and redefine our perceptions of the world."

Author : Umberto Eco

This book was written by Umberto Eco, an internationally renowned authority on semiotic linguistics, philosopher, historian, and aesthetician. In The Cambridge History of Italian Literature, he was acclaimed as the leading Italian author of the second half of the 20th century. During his lifetime, Eco wrote over 140 books covering diverse subjects. His most famous works include On Beauty, On Ugliness, and the bestselling novels The Name of The Rose, and Foucault's Pendulum.