

Gone With the Wind Summary Audiobook

Margaret Mitchell

An enduring tale of a great woman

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Author: Margaret Mitchell

Narrator: Brian

Format: MP3


Language: English

Publish Date: 20/12/1969

Audiobook length: 31min


Chapter 1Overview
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Chapter 2A long thirteen years, life is a bumpy road
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Chapter 3Scarlett’s personality traits and her tussle with love
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Chapter 4Life in the South after “Gone with the Wind”
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Chapter 5Summary&Review
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Who should listen Gone With the Wind

The summary audiobook of "Gone With the Wind" is ideal for those interested in classic literature, American history, and exploring complex characters set against the backdrop of the Civil War and Reconstruction era. It appeals to readers who want a concise overview of the novel’s themes of love, resilience, and societal change without committing to the full-length text. Additionally, students and literature enthusiasts looking to enhance their understanding of this iconic story before diving deeper into its rich narrative will find the summary beneficial.

3 quotes from Gone With the Wind

  • "I'll think about that tomorrow." - This quote captures Scarlett O'Hara's resilience and her ability to postpone her worries, embodying her strong will to survive and adapt to the ever-changing circumstances around her.
  • "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." - Although this quote is more famously from the film adaptation, it reflects the shift in priorities and emotional detachment of characters, symbolizing the end of an era and the personal transformations they undergo.
  • "After all, tomorrow is another day." - This quote highlights the theme of hope and perseverance, suggesting that no matter how dire the situation seems, there is always a chance for renewal and a better future.

Author : Margaret Mitchell

Margaret Mitchell, an illustrious American classic female writer, was born into a family of lawyers in Atlantic City, Georgia. She studied at various institutions, including Washington Seminary and Smith College in Massachusetts, and eventually earned the title of Doctor of Literature. She worked as a journalist at The Atlanta Journal, a job she quit after getting married to focus on writing. Then, after ten long years of work, she completed her classic novel, Gone with the Wind, the only masterpiece in her life, which secured her place amongst the greats in the history of literature forevermore.